Green feet and stickers!!

Well we had some off the cuff fun last night with green feet and stickers!!

Having a burst of energy and feeling brave I asked Isaac whether he wanted to do some footprints. He did and he had a great time feeling the texture of the paint on his feet and making wonderful green footprints!!


He had also taken a shine to some stickers at the shop from his favourite film, Cars, which I bought for him and he wanted to make into a picture.




Today it was such a gorgeous day!! We met with two friends and their sons and went to a gorgeous park I never knew existed where the boys had great fun and then we all had a lovely lunch at Pizza Hut.

Silly Mummy Day!!

Well what a day!! We were without the car today so I thought I’d take Isaac for a trip on the bus down to the library. He loves to ride on the bus, vehicle mad as he is.

So, I’m not all that bus savvy and didn’t really get on the ideal bus. It dropped us too far from where we wanted to be and the good old Brittish weather was sending us cold drizzle by this point.

Isaac then announced he was hungry so we popped into the shop for a snack, then after another ten minute walk we arrived at the library, only to find it CLOSED!!

Not only was it closed, but it closes EVERY WEDNESDAY. So I should have known! It’s not the first time we’ve been there or anything. So I had to drag our books and my wee man all the way home again.

Here he is looking like a little waif and stray at the bus stop!


I need a bigger house!!

Why is it that such small people have soooo much stuff!! Ever since Isaac was a tiny baby his belongings have taken over the place!! And it gets worse not better!! If its not cars its pens if its not pens its clothes or wellie boots or craft stuff!!

Ok so I’ll fess up. I’m not the world’s most organised human being (ahem, to put it mildly!) but I think even if i decluttered from now until Christmas I’d still be tripping over doctor’s kits as I got off the loo (yes, I really did!)

Now last week we went to visit family and we came back with more stuff than we went with (as per usual!) and its got me thinking about where to put everything!!

Especially as I have begun to accrue new things for Isaac’s Montessori inspired activities.

I’ve always been a fan of Montessori methods; I have done some Montessori stuff with him at home before but I’ve now been inspired to do more.

This post by Carisa at 1+1+1=1 gave me some effective but easy to use Montessori ideas.

So today we did lots of work on pouring. First we poured mung beans from a jug into shallow dishes. He enjoyed this and was great at pouring some into each and not overfilling the dishes!


We then used some split lentils and more jugs before graduating on to REAL water!!!

 I dyed the water green for more interest and Isaac was really great at pouring it and had a fab time!! Yes, some water got spilled but not really a lot, and he used jugs, funnels and jars and also a turkey baster to transfer the liquid!

Isaac then did some cutting with his new scissors which creates a funky edge on the cut paper. His concentration was great doing that!!

After nap time we made pancake batter togehter as it is Shrove Tuesday. Isaac loves to bake with me so he had a great time weighing the ingredients and especially cracking the eggs!!


He stirred it all up and then we cooked them and he watched as I tossed them.

He tried pancake with Nutella, with sugar, with straberries and with lemon but I think he basically just enjoyed eating the sweet things and not toooo much pancake was actually consumed!!


Afterwards we read The Big Pancake, which was quite a long story but kept Isaac totally absorbed!

The Big Pancake (Ladybird Tales)

Graffiti artist!

Well, as my son is not the greatest fan of drawing or painting I’m always looking for new ways to extend his mark-making.

So i bought some Crayola bath crayons and they were the best £1.98 I’ve spent in a long time!!





And lastly a shot of my little man and his beautiful long eyelashes!!


Oh and last but not least, a good read…

Snow and C for Car!!!

We woke up today to a fresh blanket of snow, even thicker than the one at the beginning of the week.

It wasn’t snowing any longer so we decided to get dressed super quick to go out and have some fun in it!

Isaac decided at the last moment that he was not interested in going out unless he could take his scooter so that came along too!



We had great fun chasing each other with snowballs and actually succeeded in making a snowman which Isaac helped me to roll around, but as we were adorning it his patience with the cold ran out and he went in demanding I make popcorn and let him watch a movie!!

Later in the day I had some activities planned to teach him the letter c. Isaac is totally, all consumingly, mad about cars!! So the first thing we did was for Isaac to stick lots of cars inside the outline of the letter C I’d drawn. He wasn’t to keen in keeping them in the lines mind!!




We then read some books about cars and saw if we could spot any ‘c’ words in the books.

We also put a poster of the letter, upper and lower case on the wall and I hope to re-inforce it in the coming days!!


My first award!!


Woohoo!! I’m seriously tempted to launch into a full on Kate Winslet! But I won’t! Seriously, Shannon you made my day thanks. Everyone, check out Shannon’s blog, she’s taught me sooooooo much about teaching tots. She introduced me to all this and has held my hand along the way and I’m really grateful to her.

Now, I’m off to decide who to give the award to, and get Shannon’s help to link up to them!! What would I do without her!!

 Well here are the list of people I’m giving the award to

so here are the rules for the award:

This is what you need to do…Thank the person who gave the award to you,
post the award on you blog or on a post,
nominate 10 blogs which show great attitude/gratitude,
link to the people you chose on your post,
and comment on their blogs to tell them about the award!

No Time For Flash Cards

Play Activities

If only I had Superpowers

Painted Rainbowsand Chamomile Tea

Junior Mints and Reeses


Totally Tots

The Crafty Crow

The Wondershop

Let’s Explore




Valentines comes early!

Well Isaac has been off school all week so far in, what is apparently, the worst snow we have seen in 18 years.

He has not wanted to be dictated to at all in the way of doing art etc but when looking around various websites and blogs for ideas Isaac saw this and we ran with it..

First Isaac went to town painting the three hearts that I had drawn.



He then stuck on two googly eyes and the smile that I had cut out earlier (haha blue peter stylee!)



The finished product didn’t look too bad at all and Isaac was pretty thrilled with himself!!

Snowy days!!

Well we awoke this morning to a blanket of snow! Nursery school was closed, so all that was left to do was wrap up warm and have some snowy fun!

Isaac wasn’t enormously interested in the snow but was willing to go out and invetigate it. He enjoyed throwing it and pretending to make snow angels like the little girl next door, but once he felt the cold he cried to go in!!




Isaac’s favourite part of his snowy adventures had to have been the sledging! He adored being pulled fast through the snow!!


Science Saturday!!

Yesterday we took a trip into London to take Isaac to the Science Museum. He loved it!! The place is really great and although for the most part aimed at older children, caters well for preschoolers.

Isaac loved taking a trip through space.. checking out space shuttles and astronauts and giggling at their underpants!!

He also loved marvelling at all the early aircrafts and climbing aboard cockpits to show mummy where the pilot sits!

But most of all, Isaac was IN HIS ELEMENT in The Garden. A special place for the youngest visitors to play. It’s a whole sensory adventure where he could ping wellie boots to make splashing sounds bang drums and play xylophone. He looked in mirrors, watched ping pong balls being blown around and spun light wheels. He played in water, exploring sinking and floating and all sorts. And, probably the most fun of all was had in the construction area where he donned a hard hat and piled bricks into wheelbarrows, used ropes to lower them up and down and threw them down shoots.

Check out the pictures (the quality is not great as silly mummy forgot her camera and had to take photos using her phone!)



After lunch we made a brief visit to the Natural History Museum to show Isaac the giant dinosaur skeletons. Although he was getting tired he liked them and has not gone anywhere since without his little pack of  T rex and co.

We also got a great book I’d like to share as a fab introduction to Dinosaurs. Quite basic information, but presented in catchy, memorable rhyme with bright illustrations. Since we got it, if we haven’t been reading it, we’ve been listening to the audio cd!!
