Hot summer days

Well we have been having some absolutely beautiful weather of late here in the South East of England. Its meant that formal learning has been scarce but hopefully teachable moments have been more common…

We’ve mostly played outside and been on day trips… Isaac is a totally outdoors boy.. there’s no keeping him in on a sunny day!

He’s been riding his bike confidently without stabilisers since just before half term.. so about a month now (so proud!)

We’ve been playing in the woods with all his friends….

Lots of water play has been happening!!

We’ve enjoyed watching our painted lady butterflies turn from tiny 1cm long caterpillars into big fat ones then into chrysalides and finally into butterflies…

And today Isaac was thrilled to release them into the garden…

Waving bye bye to the butterflies at the end there!!

As Isaac is off to school in September full time I’m hoping to do some more formal stuff over the summer to get him ready.. starting with these cool numbers which are right up his street 😉